Why Google Ads?

Google is a household name and the most popular search engine globally; Google holds 86% to 96% of the share market worldwide.  So, as a business owner, it makes sense your business needs to be found on Google.  In fact, really, you want to be found on page 1 of Google as only 25% of people will even consider looking at page 2 (or further).  Sure, there are other forms of advertising, but Google Ads and positioning is the most effective for many businesses.

Google Ads Management Stone Business Coaching

The Benefits of Google Advertising 

  • Being on page 1 of Google is incredibly powerful
  • Google Advertising can generate a tonne of leads
  • Target an almost unlimited audience – locally, nationally or globally
  • Being able to target your ads (who, where, time, language, frequency and your ideal client)
  • You can set budgets and be in control of your costs
  • The results can be almost instant – no need to learn the skill of patience
  • A great option for those working their way to page 1 organically; no need to wait for the work to come in
  • With analytics and reporting, you can measure the success of your campaign/s.


Why Have Your Google Ads Management Done via Stone Business Coaching

  • Great pricing for your Google Ads management. Only $285 per month including GST for small to medium sized campaigns.  If your average spend is $2K or more per month, then the management fee increases to $375 per month including GST due to the extra work involved in managing a larger account.

    There is also a couple of cool tools / software which are optional extras, each $35 per month including GST.  The first is optimiser software for those with a media spend over $1K per month to maximise your spend and get the most from your campaigns.  The second is to stop your competition (especially in competitive industries) from unwarranted clicks by their people (often who are offshore) whose sole aim is to waste your budget spend.

  • If we’re setting up a new account for you, then you will likely be eligible for a free $600 Google voucher; basically $600 of free spend to give you a helping hand.

  • You don’t have to be a coaching or mentoring client of Stone Business Coaching to access these services and this pricing.  My clients are enjoying them, and so can you.

  • No long-term contracts; initially a minimum of 3 months, then it’s simply month by month.

  • Personalised service; you will deal only with Donna and Andy, and mostly with Andy as he’s the Google Ads guru.

  • Included is helping you ascertain, clarify and document your ideal client – a complimentary extra from Donna to improve the service.


Why Andy is Great for Google Ads Management!

  • He (and only he) does the work; it’s not offshored or passed onto a junior or newbie
  • He’s a Certified Google Premier Partner and has been since 2013
  • He is an Aussie, living and working in Australia
  • I love how prompt and efficient he is; he just gets in there and gets the job done
  • With knowledge, skills and experience, he gets results!




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Everything You Need to Know About Google Reviews!

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