Your staff will either make you or break you.
Having the right team on board will not only make your job easier, but will help you to grow your business and increase your profits. I worked for three and a half years running a private employment agency prior to starting my own business which I grew to a peak of 25 staff. I know first-hand all the aspects of recruitment and retention.
I can assist business owners with:
- Preparing to put on staff > including documentation of job descriptions
- Advertising
- Screening
- Testing
- Profiling (personality tests)
- Reference checking
- Selection & Engagement
- Inductions
- Keeping them on > engaging your team to achieve high retention levels.
I do not work in all areas of recruitment, but a very select and specialist area; being:
- Bookkeepers
- Administrators
- Receptionists
- Office Juniors
If you’d like to know more about my packages, cost structures and placement guarantees – please make contact with me.